Collecting short tidbits of things I learn along the way. Subscribe via RSS.
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2025-03-19 Deriving the Noise Gain vs Signal Gain of the Inverting Op Amp
2025-02-16 Programming STM32 via SWD with Arduino IDE on Ubuntu
2025-02-11 The black magic of noise shaping in Sigma-Delta ADCs
2025-01-30 Faradays Ice Pail Experiment and the Effect of Shield Grounding
2024-10-19 Frequency Compensated Voltage Divider Uses Pole Zero Cancellation
2024-08-14 The same amount of energy is lost in an RC circuit no matter how small R is made
2024-07-13 Everything is Analog 1
2024-04-10 Adding thumbnails to local kindle file from standard ebooks
2024-04-08 Whats the deal with these em and en dashes anyway
2024-04-02 Fixing pdf syntax errors when printing a pdf as a book on lulu
2024-03-15 Gamma Correction corrects for the human eye’s non linear response to brightness levels
2024-02-28 Thermal Design Flaw Causes the Rigol DP832 Power Supply to Reset
2024-02-27 Always Question Your Assumptions Part 2
2024-02-26 Max7219 vs TM1637 Seven Segment Drivers
2024-02-22 A biquinary counter was used for simplified error checking in electromechanical computers
2024-02-20 An intuitive view of the series capacitor
2024-02-15 A better shebang
2024-02-14 Git submodule tricks
2024-02-09 STM32CubeIDE - live expression viewer doesn’t work for variables stored on the stack
2024-02-06 Know your buffers
2024-01-12 Vim - delete all lines not containing a keyword
2024-01-12 Creating Citekey Title in Readwise to mimic Zotero
2023-11-06 Histograms for Discrete Variables in Numpy
2023-10-30 Keeping Serial Device Connection Open in Python
2023-10-26 Active Antennas and Low Noise Amplifiers
2023-10-09 Unblocking Matplotlib AnimateFunc
2023-10-08 Linear Regulators Are (not) That Hot
2023-09-17 Hide Goodreads Added-to-Shelf Newsfeed Updates
2023-08-27 Write does not write to disk but to a buffer
2023-08-26 Recursive Functions are Bad for Embedded Systems
2023-08-26 Custom Callouts in Obsidian
2023-08-20 Always Question Your Assumptions
2023-06-26 Fixing a setup issue with Github Pages and Cloudflare
2023-06-23 Add vim-surround like shortcuts to Obsidian
2023-06-20 Joule Thief 1