This is why in the mqtt-data-logger project the __flush() method is used every 2 seconds, it is like a “close” but for continuously writing

Writing vs Flushing

The main difference between a write and a flush in file I/O is:


  • Writes data to the file buffer in memory
  • Data may not be written to actual disk yet
  • Faster because doesn’t have to sync with disk


  • Pushes buffered data from memory to disk
  • Ensures data is persisted to physical disk
  • Slower because requires disk sync

In summary:

  • Write stores data in memory buffer
  • Flush commits buffer to actual disk

When you write to a file, the data is stored in memory buffers that are faster to access, but not durable. The OS will eventually flush these buffers to disk.

But if power is lost before a flush, the data in buffers is lost.

So flushing explicitly pushes buffers out to physical disk so data is persisted. This prevents data loss, but incurs disk sync overhead.

That’s why this MQTT logger code flushes frequently - to avoid losing data. It pays the cost of slower disk sync to gain data durability.

So in high throughput logging:

  • Use writes for fast buffering
  • Flush often to persist buffered data to disk

This gives both good performance from buffering and data reliability from frequent flushing.