Spencer's TIL Blog
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A biquinary counter was used for simplified error checking in electromechanical computers
Active Antennas and Low Noise Amplifiers
Add vim-surround like shortcuts to Obsidian
Adding thumbnails to local kindle file from standard ebooks
Always Question Your Assumptions
Always Question Your Assumptions Part 2
An intuitive view of the series capacitor
Creating Citekey Title in Readwise to mimic Zotero
Custom Callouts in Obsidian
Everything is Analog 1
Fixing a setup issue with Github Pages and Cloudflare
Fixing pdf syntax errors when printing a pdf as a book on lulu
Gamma Correction corrects for the human eye's non linear response to brightness levels
Git submodule tricks
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Histograms for Discrete Variables in Numpy
itoa not included in macos gcc following POSIX and ANSI standards
Joule Thief 1
Keeping Serial Device Connection Open in Python
Know your buffers
Linear Regulators Are (not) That Hot
Max number of multiplexed elements depends indirectly on channel output capacity and speed of PWM clock
Max7219 vs TM1637 Seven Segment Drivers
Recursive Functions are Bad for Embedded Systems
Shebang #!/usr/bin/env bash is superior to #!/bin/bash
STM32CubeIDE - live expression viewer doesn't work for variables stored on the stack
The same amount of energy is lost in an RC circuit no matter how small R is made
Thermal Design Flaw Causes the Rigol DP832 Power Supply to Reset
Unblocking Matplotlib AnimateFunc
Vim - delete all lines not containing a keyword
Whats the deal with these em and en dashes anyway?
Write does not write to disk but to a buffer
Tag: #embedded-systems
Tag: #embedded-systems
3 items with this tag.
Jul 13, 2024
Everything is Analog 1
Feb 06, 2024
Know your buffers
Aug 26, 2023
Recursive Functions are Bad for Embedded Systems